Can collagen be given to pregnant people?


During pregnancy, everyone is naturally concerned about the health and well-being of the baby. For first-time parents, especially, doubts commonly arise during this unique period.

With the advancement of technology, new forms of more efficient supplementation have emerged, including collagen peptides. A proven, convenient, and effective way to contribute to one’s health.


Can collagen be given to pregnant people?

But after all, can collagen be given to pregnant people? In this article, we will explore the benefits of this solution when taken during pregnancy, both for the parent and the baby.

Enjoy your reading!


Benefits of collagen during pregnancy 

First of all, we all know people are somewhat uncertain about collagen supplementation when it comes to side effects.

But do not worry! Registered and trusted brands like Gelco PEP®, for example, produce high-quality collagen peptides without side effects.


Now let’s talk about the benefits. During pregnancy, collagen supplementation is a highly beneficial solution recommended by specialists and professionals in the field.

For a better understanding, we have listed the main benefits of using collagen during pregnancy:


Skin health support

During pregnancy, the body goes through several changes over time, including skin alterations.

Collagen peptides, in turn, help maintain skin elasticity and firmness, strengthening its structural properties.

This minimizes stretch marks and contributes to healthier skin, which are major concerns during pregnancy.

Immune system support 

As stated above, pregnancy affects the immune system continually, as it undergoes adaptations and changes.

Finding solutions that help maintain good health is crucial for both the parent and the baby.


Therefore, collagen peptides can also contribute to strengthening the immune system, helping to prevent diseases and infections

Strengthening of bones and joints

Pregnancy places extra demands on the mother’s bones and joints due to their impending changes.

Even though the body is prepared to adapt and resist these changes, collagen supplementation can improve the overall results.

They help strengthen these structures, contributing to a more comfortable pregnancy and preventing pain and discomfort.

Hair and nail health

Hormonal changes are also frequent during pregnancy, affecting the hair and nails.

This results in nails and hair becoming weakened and brittle, requiring help through supplementation to remain healthy again, which also greatly boosts one’s confidence.

Collagen peptides can provide the necessary nutrients to strengthen hair and improve nail health, minimizing any potential problems.

Fetal connective tissue formation

Last but not least, collagen is an essential component for forming the baby's connective tissue, an important tissue that supports the placenta and the membranes surrounding it.

This means that collagen peptide consumption during pregnancy supports the healthy development of this important tissue for the baby. 



Before anything else, don’t forget that you must always consult your obstetrician before starting any supplementation during pregnancy.

Your doctor will be able to evaluate your specific case and provide personalized guidance.


But to sum it up, collagen can and should be given to pregnant people!

Collagen peptides bring nothing but health benefits to both the parent and their baby during pregnancy, and that's a fact.

From supporting healthy skin, bones, and joints to helping to form crucial structures like connective tissue, collagen peptides are a safe and effective option.


We hope this content has been useful and, in some way, helped you during a period as unique and special as pregnancy.

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